Date With Destiny – It’s Not Where I Left It!

It was 1am and I am leaving the first day of Leadership Training where we were preparing for Date with Destiny (DWD) with Tony Robbins. It was going to be a huge event we were expecting over 2,200 people from all over the world. So much has led up to this day getting here. As I have served for countless years, this was my first Date with Destiny as Senior Leader without my Handsome (Yardley). I had loads of uncertainty around it all, a place that I do not exist in very often. One challenge after another presented itself and moment by moment, one at a time I dealt with them. Before long I had stacked so many I could no longer shrug them off. That evening, or should I say morning, I left the facility to go back to my hotel. (Let me note, it was also the first time I wasn’t staying at the host because I had made my reservations late). As I entered the parking lot my car was no where to be found. Where is it? It’s not where I left it – my car is missing!

I continued walking with conviction that I knew where I left it but it was not in sight. Trying to recall what kind of car I rented, all I knew was that is was silver. The details are usually left to Handsome. I then begin second guessing myself. Maybe I was tired and didn’t leave it where I thought I left it. I continue to walk through the parking lot looking for it. Still no where to be seen, I start getting a little nervous, I then decide to start pressing the buttons on the key to see if any cars lights up as I hit the door opener. Still nothing. I move forward and finally see a glimpse of something flashing. Could that me my rental car? But wait, how did it get there? I knew I had parked much closer to the entrance. It was parked angled crossing over two spots. I would have never left the car that way. I cautiously approach it and it appears to be alright, so I decide to get in. The seat was in the same position I left it. That would be a tight squeeze for most people. How did it get there?

I share the story with my husband on the phone while this whole thing was happening and he reassures me I probably just didn’t remember where I left it. I then drive to my hotel to get some rest, still pondering over how my car was moved. I was convinced I knew where I left it. The night was still early there was more to come. I get to my hotel and the key doesn’t work to get into the gated area. I am now feeling unsafe and scared, it is dark, late and I am alone, unprotected. What else can go wrong? I have Handsome stay on the phone with me until I am safely in my room. Wooh! A sigh a relief!

The morning comes quickly and I make my way back to the host hotel, but before I do I look around at the beautiful grounds of where I was staying. The gardens are well groomed and the people are friendly. Looks very different than it did the night before in the light of day. I get to the host but this time taking a moment to observe where I parked. As I walked toward the building I saw 3 men that were working on the grounds. I approach them with, “I have a weird question for you, but did anyone move any cars here last night?” They look at me and smile and said, “As a matter of fact we did, we moved five!” In that very moment I had another sigh of relief, I am not going crazy!!! Yeah! It wasn’t me! I needed to know more so I asked, “How did you move the cars?” They had a hydraulic lift come in and move them. That would explain the seat not being moved and the car not being parked straight.

I share my story with one of the trainers of my feeling unsafe and not being taken care of the prior evening and she points out to me how well I was, as they moved my car and didn’t tow it away so it would be there for me when I got out. The gated community at the other hotel was there to protect me. The light of day changed my perspective as did re-framing the whole story.
My Date with Destiny started before the actual DWD.

How many times do you see things for something it is not?
I am so grateful that I continue to grow everyday.

Love & Gratitude,
