Stop Beating Yourself Up & Love Yourself Now
Wow that darned inner voice can be brutal and hard to ignore and even live with. Some of us are lucky enough to go through life, filled with supportive thoughts, but more often than not that voice is demeaning and cruel. Our self depreciated words often tells us how weak we are, how ashamed we should be, and we even curse ourselves for being fat and unattractive; it even hurts to read these thoughts here doesn’t it? Then don’t do it anymore! I mean, would you ever talk to your loved ones like you talk to yourself sometimes? I think not and if anyone deserves love and respect it’s you. Stop beating yourself up and love yourself now. Learn to appreciate yourself for all the wonderful things that you are. Love your body for getting you through life the way it has, love your powerful heart for allowing happiness in and beating ceaselessly to get you where you are today.
Negative self talk will often lead to obsessive thoughts like “no one loves me” or “I am weak” and “I can’t do this!” How useful do you think statements like these will be to actually losing weight, getting that job you want so badly, or even being a role model for your children? Instead they can lead you down the road to being a door mat for those around you to take advantage of, never having the courage to say “No!” to unreasonable requests, never trying to go for that big break because you don’t believe you’ll be able to achieve it; this is no way to go through life.
The world around you is full of wonderful possibilities but it’s up to you to avoid sitting on the sidelines while everyone around you achieves their dreams. Make a list of fun things to do, just for yourself, and make time to do them. Perhaps start by joining a fun exercise group, perhaps a dance class or Yoga which is wonderful way to relax and still get in a good workout. If you’re beating yourself up because you can’t seem to lose weight, give yourself a break or you’ll never see the numbers on the scale go down. Stop making dieting a chore; make it fun. Try a few tasty new healthy recipes, enjoy a bit of chocolate when you feel like it, and when you hear yourself saying negative things to yourself; stop that badgering voice! If you happen to fall off your diet, stop beating yourself up; instead pat yourself on the back for recognizing it and start fresh. Not loving yourself can lead to emotional eating and worse and you deserve so much more.
Next, don’t worry so much! It’s easy to get caught up in worry mode. It is estimated that many of us think up to 60,000 thoughts per day and typically over 1/3 of these are negative, and it’s in how we handle these naysayer thoughts that defines how we live. Living in fear and self persecution can hold you back from the happiness and successes you deserve. If for any reason you find that you can’t stop beating yourself up reach out for the help of a professional; sometimes it takes two to quiet those unkind voices and unhappy thoughts.
If you want to learn how to maintain a proper diet, how to stay enthusiastic about life, and most important of all, how to stop beating yourself up and love yourself now find out more about The Fine to Fab Transformational Program that addresses your well-being and not just your health.