There are a lot of people today who are experiencing a happy life due to several reasons. Being happy and at peace is what most people dream of. However, there are certain myths about happiness that somehow affect the level of happiness that individuals feel. Being happy usually involves positive attitude and courage to face any challenges that life may bring. Some of the myths about happiness are:
1. Happiness is based on time
There is no specific time when you can feel happy. Actually, you can be happy when you are with your friends, family and other people who usually make you happy. You can also feel happiness anytime and anywhere. Choosing to be happy can make you feel better, even more beautiful, and eliminate stress that was caused by work or circumstances at any given moment.
2. Happiness is an event based
This means that you can feel happiness in several events such as marriage, vacations, jobs, and a lot more. It is true that events can give a high level of happiness to a lot of people but you can also feel happy for no apparent reason. Just choose to BE happy! You do not need to wait for an event to be happy.
3. Happiness is usually associated to things
There are a lot of people who believe to feel happy they need something. It can be food, alcohol, spending, and relationships or sometimes may be something that you have sentimental value or good memories with that gives you a feeling of happiness. We may participate in an act of doing, going or listening to something because you associate happiness with that thing, place or person. Learning to BE happy with yourself and love yourself for who you are is already enough and makes all the other things that much better.
4. Happiness comes when I look better, I’ll feel better.
Happiness is an inside job. This means that happiness is not about how you look but how you feel about yourself. This effects what you do on a daily basis to take care of you. You will not make good decisions or treat yourself well if you don’t like you. You have to learn to love yourself where you are right now and not wait to look better to feel better. When you change your identity from “I’m not enough” to “I’m FAB” you will make better choices and feel better about you. It’s an inside job.
5. Happiness isn’t for me because bad things happened
It is natural to encounter bad thing in our lives. Bad things do happen to good people but as Virgina Satir, psychotherapist says, “The event is never that which determines your fate, it is the coping of the event.” You get to decide if you want to repeat bad events or you want to create new more fulfilling ones. The best thing that you can do move forward and find something good out of it. I love asking myself the question, “What’s good about this?” I always find the silver lining. Today many of my bad experiences have lead me here to help so many others find their true happiness and move on to live an authentic life that is happy, healthy & free!
There are also some people who can’t manage their stress and depression. That is why they get in the situation or stage of emotional eating. Emotional eating is leaning toward foods when they are in bad or negative emotion. There are times that employees are doing this due to the pressure and stress in their work.
Aside from these, some individuals also become compulsive eaters. Compulsive overeating is usually called food addiction. Actually a depressed person usually does this just to forget the bad things that are happening in their lives. The symptoms of these are
- Due to overeating, individuals feel guilt.
- They eat more often in comparing to the normal time of eating.
- They have a rapid increase of weight.
- Have mood swings or depressions.
These can be treated with the help of friends and family who have positive outlook in life. Learn to be grateful for everything in your and practice an attitude of gratitude. Make it a habit of being happy today.
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