7 Keys to Living an Authentic Life Now
Living authentically is about being yourself. Not being who you think others want you to be but the person you want to be at your core. What makes you feel good, puts a smile on your face and make you light up a room. Being your true authentic self is the root of truly being happy and free. When we are busy trying to be what we think others want us to be we leave ourselves empty and unresolved. Your best self is the one that make you happy first.
There are 7 Keys to help you live an authentic life now:
1. Being True to Your Own Self: Liberate your own self from the pressures that are generated in your life from being or doing things that feel wrong. Trying to be an artist when you can’t draw is a poor choice of careers. So is thinking that you have to be everything for everyone and putting yourself in the back of the line. Accept who and what’s really important to you so you can focus on what brings out the best in you. Value your priorities and yourself and you will find yourself having more feelings of satisfaction.
2. Embrace Change: Change in life can be scary and its human nature to resist them. When you approach change with fear and justify the things that you will lose, you will usually resist. Learn to embrace change in life, for it will always be a constant thing and the secret is to look for what is great about it and how it will enhance your life and rejoice. Embrace change as it happens in the life of all living beings. [quote align=”center” color=”#999999″]Trying to be an artist when you can’t draw is a poor choice of careers.[/quote]
3. Career Path: Choose a career path that is suitable in your goals and personal values. Choosing and reflecting on one that aligns with your core purpose, values and beliefs will help you build the foundation of happiness that is highly necessary in living authentically. If you have a passion for animals find a way to make that a career. If you love helping others, be the example and identify areas that will fulfill those needs to make a difference. When you live on purpose you can make a career in most anything.
4. Honor Your Strengths and Weakness: Your weakness and strengths are the things that make up who you really are. I personally do not have patience for mindless tasks and find that when I spend time doing things I am not good at it does not get better. It only gets worse in so many ways, my attitude, emotions and frustration take over and I know it is not somewhere I need to be. Trying to get better at those kinds of tasks would not serve me best nor the people around me. I learned to delegate what I do not do well and honor and respect others for what they can do better. Being aware of these things will make you appreciate the things that you do, and this is essential in achieving authentic living.
5. Seek Progress: Seek improvement and not perfection. Life is defined more by failures and then success. You can only develop and learn to live authentically if you include losses and wins. Realize that all the greatest successes in the world had a greater share of failure. Whether you are talking sports, when Babe Ruth retired he had the most strikeouts and the most home runs. Celebrate your mistakes or what you call failures for at least you were doing something and correct them along the way. We are moving forward when we are making progress.
6. Be Open to Unforeseen Opportunities: Trying to control every aspect in your life can be exhausting. Learn to live in unrestricted time and preserve freedom in your life. Being flexible in life can open to new opportunities that will allow you to become happy. I like to believe that everything happens for a reason and over time that has served to be true. The truth is I would like the reasons much sooner but time always tell if I am patient. Welcome detainment’s, failures and mistakes as opportunities as this will allow you to collect data in making progress in life.
7. You Always Had a Choice: Living and being in your authentic self will be realized if you take responsibility. You always have a choice on things to do in your life, even if you tell yourself that you’re being forced or pressured by outside influences. Make a deliberate decision and act upon it rather living with the habit of assumption.
The decision to live authentically based on other values and visions is up to you. Living according to your preference will enable you to create an environment for joy. Do not allow others to determine your way of living as this will deprive you of living an authentic life now.