What Are You Hanging Onto?

Do you have clothes in your closet that just don’t fit? Are you waiting until the day the style will come back and you’ll wear that dress? What about those shoes that looked so beautiful but messed up your feet for a week after wearing them once?

We hold on to more than our possessions. Our thoughts, behaviors and actions are also a result of not letting go. I wrote in my book, FINE to FAB, that I didn’t come with baggage, I came with a trunk. That was a literal statement in more than one way at the time. I carried everything around as if it was my badge of honor until one day I decided it was just too heavy to lug anymore. I had grown out of so much, but still held on to them. I started to ask myself questions. “Do I need this?” “Why?” “Who would I be with it?” “Who would I be without it…?” I decided to start throwing things out.  Let me tell you, it was difficult at first. I didn’t want to let go. I justified every notion and action I took until I finally gave up. I wanted to be happy and wanted to figure out why I wasn’t. When you ask yourself these questions you will start to become aware of what needs you are really filling in your life and may come to know that it is no longer necessary.

I read once that every cell and atom in our body is replaced in just under two years and the only thing that we have control over is our beliefs. You put them there. We are holding on to many things and may even blame others for where we are, but the truth is that you can let go anytime you choose, especially to those beliefs that no longer serve you.

Choose to let go now.

Love & Gratitude,
