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50 is the New Body Hate Prime Causing Depression
Everybody wants to stay young. That is the irony of life. Along with change, age is also a constant thing; our age escalates every second of each minute. As I […]

Did you know I had an Affair?
That’s right I did… Let me tell you about my affair.I’ll start by telling you it was a big secret in the beginning.I never let anyone know about it. I […]

Use Food for Nourishment Not Love
People who are suffering from heart aches brought on by feeling unloved or not good enough or unhappy, tend to use food and eat an enormous amount as this becomes […]

Stop Beating Yourself Up & Love Yourself Now
Wow that darned inner voice can be brutal and hard to ignore and even live with. Some of us are lucky enough to go through life, filled with supportive thoughts, […]

Eating Out of a Box is a Good Way to Put Yourself In One
Boy oh boy dieting can be challenging these days, not to mention the fact that you need to wean yourself away all the comfort foods and easy meal options like […]

Living Life in Peace without Emotional Pain
Wow – Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Living Life in Peace without Emotional Pain. Just reading the words out loud lifts your spirits doesn’t it? You’re probably telling yourself “easier said […]

10 Diet Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
Just the word “Diet” makes us groan inside because there are so many challenges and unknowns that come along with eating right, choosing the right foods, not breaking your own […]
7 Reasons Why Calorie Counting Will Make You Gain Weight
Most people see losing weight as a punishment and being healthy a hard to reach goal. This attitude alone can put an end to any chance of succeeding at either […]
5 Food Personalities of Emotional Eating & Compulsive Overeating
What is Your Food Personalities? We all experience different ones when we are stressed, depressed or looking for love. It is possible that you may be a little of everything […]